

Imagination, fiction, make-believe, whatever you will, this never actually happened – or maybe it has, somewhere, somewhen…

This is the fiction part of our web site, where we will post short stories for your diversion and (we hope) entertainment. Don’t expect Jane Austen or Nobel prize-winning prose, but we will at least try to maintain good grammar, vocabulary worthy of The Times, and enough of a storyline to be coherent.

What more could you ask for from a free source?

  • A cat on social media

    A cat on social mediaMy cat Gatto is addicted to social media. There’s a particular shrub he marks with his whiskers and so do all the other neighbourhood cats. Naturally we now refer to this shrub as Facebush. More...
  • The Blackbird

    The BlackbirdThe frost lay heavily over the salt-marshes: a plain expanse of dead or dormant vegetation, colourless with sparse sea-lavender and samphire, and everywhere marram grass. Each blade was held motionless in a hoary sheath, in military disarray… More...